In this short film, the viewer is invited on a journey through the mental and extra-worldly space that are dreams. Specifically, the dreams of someone trapped in a city that engulfs them to such extent that they feel a need to escape to entirely alienated worlds, even if just through their dreams. In these dreams, they explore their confusions, their relationships to others and themselves, and their ability to mark and influence the spaces they exist through.
About the film
In Veritas, the girl wakes up in a dream world, a space created in her mind to break from the conceived space of London, finding herself in woodlands and ancient ruins long forgotten and left aside from these very conceiving forces. It is a space that feels free and full of possibility, mirroring London and showing it free from any detractor. Instead of providing the ideal place for perceived space to take force, it appears as a playground for purely lived space in its most primitive form. The girl is looking to escape the sensory overloading city in favour of stripped-down place she can greet on her own terms. She relates to this unaltered purity of the city through a female urge to be free from the suffocating male dominance.
The dream girl is the projection of her true self and aspiration; independent, strong, in command and not scared to take initiative. Meanwhile, the real girl wanders through various spaces trying to synthesise them into a place that allows her to grasp it, inspired by Truth.
Alternately, the dream girl threatens to be overshadowed by the man, who distracts and toys with the main girl, never fully allowing her into his straight space. He is first to appear, as the girl must dig through the layers to find herself. When she does, it is liberating, yet she still has a long way to go before fully uniting her desires with the reality of her actions in one single space.